Extraction Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What You Should Know About an Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in the very back of your mouth. These teeth typically come in during the late teen years or early adulthood.

If a wisdom tooth gets stuck under your gum or doesn’t have enough room to break through the gum, it’s considered “impacted.” Impacted wisdom teeth are more prone to disease, tooth decay, and other dental problems.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth
What You Should Know About an Impacted Wisdom Tooth

What are the symptoms?

Some people with impacted wisdom teeth won’t notice any problems at all, while others will have obvious symptoms.

An impacted wisdom tooth might break through the gums, and part of the gums can be seen. This is called a partially impacted wisdom tooth.

A partially impacted wisdom tooth may cause food to become trapped and can make cleaning the tooth more difficult. For some people, a partially impacted tooth is very painful.

If the tooth becomes infected or causes other issues, you may have symptoms such as:

  • pain or swelling around the jaw
  • red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • bad breath
  • an unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • problems opening your mouth

In other cases, the affected tooth may never break through the gums. This is known as a fully impacted wisdom tooth

Complications of impacted wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are hard to clean, and food can get trapped in them. If a wisdom tooth isn’t removed, it can lead to certain problems, such as:

  • infection
  • cavities
  • decay
  • crowding of nearby teeth
  • difficulty flossing
  • damage to other teeth
  • cysts
  • gum disease

Risk factors of impacted wisdom teeth

You may be more likely to have an impacted wisdom tooth if you:

  • are between the ages of 17 and 25
  • have a small jaw structure

There’s no way to prevent an impacted tooth, but good dental hygiene may help you avoid potential problems. 

How is an impacted wisdom tooth diagnosed?

Your dentist can tell if your wisdom teeth are impacted by examining your teeth and taking a simple X-ray of your mouth.

An X-ray can show whether your teeth are impacted and if other teeth or bones are damaged.

If your teeth are impacted, you and your dentist will discuss the benefits and risks of surgery.

What is horizontal impaction, and why you need to remove it?

Horizontal impaction is the most painful type. The molar lies horizontally inside the gum and completely away from the surface, pushing the second molar near to it.

This type of impaction is seen only on x-ray image and removal requires the skill and expertise of a skilled dentist. Since the horizontally impacted wisdom tooth lies parallel to the jawbone, it can damage the surrounding teeth. If not extracted, it can damage the adjacent teeth, and make them vulnerable to gum disease and dental decay.

This is why you need to pull out your horizontally impacted wisdom teeth as early as possible to save other healthy teeth.

Denture Uncategorized Valplast Flexi Dentures

Denture / False Teeth FAQs

Some common questions asked by those wearing or considering wearing new dentures and false teeth are listed below to help you make the right choices. If you cannot find your questions or queries answered on this page about dentures or false teeth, please contact us for denture or false teeth advice.

» Is it necessary to replace missing teeth?

Leaving gaps between your natural teeth can affect your speech and your ability to eat and chew properly. Gaps between teeth can also make your smile look less attractive, which can affect your self confidence.

Replacing any missing teeth improves your smile, can make you look younger and more attractive and can also improve the variety of food you can eat. This can lead to an overall improvement in your health as you are able to have a more balanced diet.

» How soon can I have a denture fitted after my teeth are taken out?

Usually dentures can be fitted straight after your teeth have been removed, this type of denture is called an immediate denture.

With immediate dentures you don’t have to be without teeth while your gums are healing. However, bone and gums can shrink over time, especially during the first six months after your teeth have been taken out. If your gums shrink, your immediate dentures may need relining, adjusting or even replacing. Sometimes it is advisable to wait until your gums are healed before having your dentures.

» Will I look different with dentures?

At Neem Dental Clinic we design your new dentures to be as natural looking as possible, so when you smile your new dentures will look like real teeth not false teeth. We use gender specific tooth shapes and colours that will compliment your gender, age and personality.

We will position your new denture teeth where your natural ones once existed, providing you with the correct lip and facial support. If you are having partial dentures, we will design these dentures to blend in with the rest of your natural teeth and facial features so your smile will look as natural as possible.

» What are the different types of dentures?

There are two main groups of dentures: complete or full dentures and partial dentures. Complete or full dentures replace all of your natural teeth in either your upper or lower jaw. Partial dentures are used to replace some of your teeth in either your upper or lower jaw.

There are a number of different types of dentures, including light alloy, flexible and plastic dentures; you can discuss the different types of denture with us at Neem Dental Clinic, as some types may be more suitable for your individual needs than others. Immediate dentures are used to replace the teeth immediately after they have been lost or extracted; they are replaced once the permanent set of dentures has been manufactured and the gum tissue has healed.

» How long will it take to make me some new dentures?

The time it takes to provide you with your new natural looking dentures varies and depends upon a range of factors, including the complexity of your treatment and the type of dentures chosen. We provide a New Dentures in 1 – 2 weeks for those patients who require new natural looking dentures within a shorter time frame.

» How long will my dentures last?

It is impossible to give an exact length of time that dentures will last an individual and some individuals dentures may last a lot longer than other peoples. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may need new dentures:

  • Have you started to use a denture adhesive or are your dentures loose for any reason?
  • Are you are no longer happy with your smile?
  • Do you feel that your dentures are no longer giving you facial support?
  • Are your dentures making your mouth sore?
  • Have had one or more denture repairs?
  • Have your denture teeth and acrylic (plastic) become worn and stained?

» Will I be able to eat all of my favorite foods with new dentures?

Eating with new dentures is an acquired skill and takes time, patience, and practice to become comfortable and efficient. It may take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to learn how best to eat with new dentures. Some foods may be more difficult to eat, such as corn on the cob or apples, and require caution when eating.

It will also take longer to finish a meal when dentures are new. By choosing easy-to-chew foods at first, it will help gradually strengthen muscles and prepare them for more difficult and tougher foods later on

» What’s the best way to clean my dentures?

Cleaning your dentures every day is important for good oral hygiene. If you don’t, plaque and bacteria can form on them leading to oral health problems. We recommend cleaning dentures thoroughly twice a day and after eating when necessary. At Neem Dental Clinic, we recommend the following procedures are followed:

  • The general rule to cleaning your dentures is:brush, soak, brush.
  • Your dentures are breakable, so always clean your dentures over a bowl of water or a folded towel in case you drop them.
  • Brush your dentures thoroughly before soaking, to remove loose food particles. Use cool or warm water. But never use hot water – it can warp your dentures.
  • Soak your dentures in a denture cleaner, if required. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
  • Apply a denture cleaning paste to a moistened denture brush or a soft-bristled toothbrush. However, never use conventional toothpaste as this can permanently damage your dentures. Brush all surfaces thoroughly. Avoid using brushes with stiff bristles, as these bristles can damage the denture material.
  • Brush your gums, tongue and the roof of your mouth with a soft-bristled regular toothbrush to remove plaque and stimulate circulation. Rinse your dentures, then reinsert them.
  • At Neem Dental Clinic we recommend you leave your dentures out at night, as this allows your gums to rest. Whilst you sleep at night, soak your dentures in a cleanser or water. If you use a denture cleanser, please follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. However, if you feel more comfortable sleeping with your dentures in, please clean your dentures thoroughly before retiring to bed.
  • Please remember that if you use any kind of denture adhesive this needs to be removed daily.
  • DO NOT use very hot water or any type of bleaching product to clean your dentures.
  • If you notice a build up of stains or scales, then we can clean your dentures professionally for you at Neem Dental Clinic.

» Will new dentures affect my speech?

When adjusting to new dentures, some patients find their speech can alter slightly (especially pronouncing “s” and “f” sounds), whilst getting used to the new shape of their dentures (false teeth); this is only a short term inconvenience.

We recommend reading aloud and to practice counting the numbers 65 up to 70 as these sounds can be the hardest to get used to.

It is also usual for denture wearers to produce more saliva, which can also affect speech, when getting used to a new set of dentures. This inconvenience is again short term, which will be resolved once your mouth becomes accustomed to the new dentures. We recommend swallowing more regularly and sipping water more often. Or alternatively, try sucking on a boiled sweet or mint.

» Should I wear my dentures at night?

Generally it is considered best to remove dentures at night; this is to give your gums a chance to rest. It is especially ideal to leave your dentures out at night if you grind your teeth, as this causes more pressure against your gums. However, some patients are embarrassed about removing their dentures in front of their partner and therefore prefer to wear their dentures at night. If this is the case then we would recommend two things:

  • Firstly, please make sure you clean your dentures thoroughly before you go to sleep and when you wake up.
  • Secondly, we would recommend that you remove your dentures for some period of the day if you can’t leave them out at night. At least once a day you should remove your teeth and brush your mouth and gums with a very soft toothbrush. This stimulates circulation and maintains healthy tissue.

If you do remove your dentures at night, please remember to store them in a small amount of cold water to stop them from drying out and warping. Please do not place your dentures in hot water, as this will damage them.

» How should I look after my dentures?

At Neem Dental Clinic, we only ever use a high impact denture acrylic (plastic), which means the dentures we make are less likely to break when they are dropped. However, no denture can be guaranteed against breakages. We therefore recommend you follow some simple steps to reduce the likelihood of damage occurring to your dentures. Dentures should be looked after carefully.

  • Your dentures (false teeth) are breakable, so always clean your dentures over a bowl of water or a folded towel in case you drop them.
  • It is extremely important that your dentures are kept moist and are not allowed to dry out, this is to prevent them distorting. However, if your dentures become dry please soak them in a glass of clean fresh water before wearing your dentures again.
  • Some patients prefer not to wear their dentures at night. In this instance, please place your dentures carefully into clean fresh water or into your preferred denture soak. If you use a denture cleanser overnight, please follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
  • Dentures should be rinsed and cleaned on a regular basis.

» Will my new dentures be comfortable?

Initially, dentures may take a little getting used to. At Neem Dental Clinic we design your new dentures to fit you as precisely and as comfortable as possible and there are various materials we can use when making your new dentures to try and make them as comfortable as possible for you.

However, whilst your mouth and gums adjust to these new dentures, it is possible that sore spots or ulcers may develop during the first few days of wear. This can be relieved by slight adjustments to the denture surface. It is NEVER advisable to try and adjust dentures yourself. If you are experiencing sore spots contact us and we will arrange for an appointment to adjust your dentures (false teeth).

» Will my new dentures look like natural teeth?

Yes, we can you make you natural looking dentures that will not just replace the natural teeth you have lost, but they will look so natural they’ll look part of you.

» Contact Us – False Teeth FAQs

We have tried to answer some common questions asked by those wearing or considering wearing new dentures and false teeth to help you make the right choices. If you cannot find your questions or queries answered on this page about dentures or false teeth, please contact us for denture or false teeth advice.

Affordable Private Dentist Dental Emergency Dentist Harrow Endodontist Harrow Highly Recmmended Saturday Appointment Saturday Dentist

Tamil Speaking Dentist In Harrow, South Harrow, Wembley, London

Although 300,000 people speak Tamil in North West London, finding a dentist among them can be difficult. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered! Neem Dental offers you advanced care, a personalized experience, and a Tamil-speaking dentist to guide you throughout the process.

Why Bilingual Dentists are Important

Dentistry is a fine art. It involves a mosaic of moving parts that harmonize with each other: a qualified, experienced dentist, advanced tools and procedures, effective drugs and anesthetics, an extensive database with all your previous dental history, and more. A dental clinic is a well-oiled machine capable of effectively, safely, and quickly treating your and your family’s dental needs.

However, how can a dental clinic be effective if the patients and dental team don’t speak the same language? Will you hold a dictionary while your dentist explains the risk of dental surgery? Whether you speak Spanish, Chinese, or in this case, Tamil, a dentist that speaks your family tongue is vital. Not only should we encourage and reward bilingual dentists, but we should also actively seek out dentists that speak our primary language.

While you’ll likely survive an encounter with a dentist in your secondary language, choosing a dentist based on your parent language is good practice – especially with major procedures. After all, dentistry is full of unique vocabulary that might prove difficult with more extreme treatments.

Benefits of a Tamil Speaking Dentist

  • Streamlined Communication. Clarity of speech is crucial- especially in dentistry. With so many niche subjects and treatments, dentistry is a language all on its own! Don’t trust translators, apps, or dictionaries to solve the problem. A single misunderstanding can result in a failed or ineffective treatment.
  • Child Support. An all-English clinic can be intimidating and scary if your child only speaks Tamil. Give your child the best care available, and invest in a clinic and dentistry that can guide them through the process in a language they understand best.
  • Personalized Experience. We’ll be able to communicate before, during, and after the entire process. After all, it’s hard to offer a customized experience through the lens of Google Translate. Speaking different languages is like running in high heels; not very effective.
  • Representation. Our clinic shows that anyone from anywhere can become a successful, knowledgeable, and experienced dentist. We provide a safe, diverse environment for everyone.

Why Choose Neem Dental?

It’s simple. We take the most advanced tools, hire the most outstanding staff, invest in a clean, spacious clinic, and keep ourselves updated on all the latest dental techniques and technology. When you choose Neem Dental, you’re simultaneously selecting the highest level of care and the most comfortable, comprehensive visit possible.

We offer a wide variety of treatments to give you the best experience- and they’re all available in Tamil:

  • Children’s Dentistry. We offer routine cleanings, fillings, dental crowns, and more to children of all ages.
  • Restorative Dentistry. Whether you’re looking for root canals, extractions, crowns, or dental implants, we got you covered.
  • Cosmetic Dentistry. Upgrade your appearance today with Invisalign, traditional braces, Damon brackets, and our other cosmetic treatments.
  • Emergency Dentistry. Keep your family and friends safe, and always carry this “ace” up your sleeve. After all, emergencies can be scary, especially if you don’t speak the same language!

Tamil Speaking Dentist Near Me

At Neem Dental, we dedicate ourselves to your health. Whether it’s by investing in a modern clinic, speaking Tamil, or bringing on board the highest level of talent, our service will leave you in awe. Our dentists, Dr. Pratheeba Thiru, Dr. V. Ananthasayanan Dr. Shiyamala Thamotharan and Dr Anedra Basgaran are experts in their respective fields and have decades of combined experience. You’ll leave our clinic with a bright, fresh smile every time.

Affordable Private Dentist Denture Flexible Dentures Valplast Flexi Dentures

Have you thought of helping a loved one with a new denture? A new denture can sometimes represent a significant investment for our friends or relatives.

Dentures are typically constructed to replace missing teeth. They serve to enhance the look of your smile and appearance. There are many different kinds of dentures. However, fitting partial dentures is a viable option for a more natural look. These dentures are easily adapted to almost any jaw bone and can be inserted quickly and easily.

Here are some of the best reasons why a new denture will be much appreciated as a Best Gift:

  • A new denture can greatly improve your loved one’s lifestyle.
  • Dentures support facial muscles and structures. They decrease oral bone loss.
  • Dentures have also been shown to improve self-esteem in patients.
  • Your loved one will be able to eat a wider variety of foods.
  • A denture can enhance your facial features.
  • Another great advantage of a denture: ability to speak clearer.

A new denture is a special and thoughtful gift. If you have any questions on how you can help with a new denture, do not hesitate to contact us at 020 8423 2523. Our staff is always happy to listen and help.

Acrylic Denture

Acrylic is a type of plastic material that can be used in the creation of Acrylic dentures

Acrylic Denture – https://neemdentalclinic.co.uk/service/acrylic-denture/

Flexi Denture

Flexible dentures are very gentle on your gums. They’re also gentler on your gums because they don’t have metal hooks and clasps, and they don’t have any sharp, rigid edges. Flexible dentures are also less likely to be dislodged by chewing.

Flexi Denture – https://neemdentalclinic.co.uk/service/dental-flexi-dentures/

Cobalt Chrome Denture

Cobalt chrome dentures have a metal base plate or framework that sits on and around the natural teeth onto which we attach denture teeth with acrylic.

Cobalt Chrome Denture – https://neemdentalclinic.co.uk/service/cobalt-chrome-denture/

Affordable Private Dentist Denture Flexible Dentures

Get Your Smile Back With Dentures in Harrow

For patients who have lost multiple teeth, dentures and partials are viable options to improve the look of your smile and oral health. Dentures work by replacing the missing teeth and gum tissues, while a partial is used when multiple teeth are missing but some natural teeth remain. These appliances can improve your ability to chew and speak, while giving you back your confidence at the same time. Learn more about how dentures and partials work, and which would be best for your oral health needs with this guide!

Dentures are typically constructed to replace missing teeth. They serve to enhance the look of your smile and appearance. There are many different kinds of dentures. However, fitting partial dentures is a viable option for a more natural look. These dentures are easily adapted to almost any jaw bone and can be inserted quickly and easily.
Adapting To Dentures
If you have just been fitted for dentures, it can take a little while to adjust. Partial or full dentures, crowns and bridges can all cause difficulties in the everyday life of the wearer, and you may find that you need to adopt certain habits until you become used to them.

Deep Teeth Cleaning Dental Hygiene Dental Insurance Fluoride finish sandblasting

What To Expect From a Deep Teeth Cleaning

While taking a seat in a dentist’s chair can cause a spike in most people’s stress levels, it’s recommended you have a routine dental cleaning at least once a year.

However, many people, as much as half of us adults, may need the more comprehensive deep cleaning. Find out what that means, why you need it, and what you can look forward to.

What Is Deep Teeth Cleaning?

Deep teeth cleaning is a less formal name for a procedure called periodontal scaling and root planing. In some ways, it’s similar to the standard cleaning that you’d get from a dental hygienist. Both involve the removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth and gum line to treat or prevent periodontitis. However, dental deep cleaning is a more thorough treatment most often used when bacteria have already begun to cause a serious infection.

An infection in the gums is called gingivitis or gum disease. It’s usually caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar, which creates an anaerobic environment for bacteria to thrive around the teeth and under the gum line. Left untreated, it can turn into a worse form of infection called periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss and worse.

The difference between a deep dental cleaning, which includes scaling and root planing, and routine dental cleaning is really just a matter of thoroughness. The dental hygienist who will remove plaque from your mouth on your next visit is doing a general cleaning so the dentist can see what may need treatment. Deep cleaning is a more complex procedure, includes root planing, and may include another treatment like using lasers to kill bacteria.

Who Is Deep Teeth Cleaning For?

Deep cleaning is used when an infection has caused gingivitis or, more seriously, periodontal disease. It includes two aspects; scaling, where tartar buildup that can hide bacteria is removed, and root planing, which involves smoothing the rough surface of the roots below the gum line.
Affordable Private Dentist Dental Hygiene Highly Recommended Saturday Appointment

Why a Dental Check-up and Cleaning Is Important

dental checkup and cleaning is an essential part of taking care of your teeth. It can help prevent the onset of many oral diseases while also helping to improve your smile’s appearance. After all, you only get one set of natural adult teeth, so it’s up to you to properly take care of them. One important thing you can do is make sure that you see your dentist regularly.

As a new patient at our clinic, you may be wondering why it is necessary to have this procedure done. It may even feel tempting to skip out on a dental check-up especially if you don’t notice anything wrong. However, it’s important to realize that many dental issues are caught early by a dentist simply because we can see things that you can’t.

This blog post will go over some reasons why getting regular check-ups are so important and why you should schedule one if you haven’t already. Doing so is the best way to identify issues early and get a professional cleaning of your teeth. 

Dental Hygiene at Neem Dental Clinic £50
Dental hygiene treatment is delivered by a dental hygienist who will help to remove any plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth that may have built up in certain areas.

The importance of dental hygiene

The goal of a check-up is to prevent the onset of many oral diseases and to remedy any issues with cracked or broken teeth. If you have not been to our office before, this would be your first visit for an exam and cleaning. During your appointment, we will perform x-rays on all teeth to see any hidden cavities or other problems that you cannot see. 

We will also be checking for any signs of gum disease, which can affect both your bone and teeth over time. The early stages of the condition are often painless. Still, it is crucial to catch this earlier to treat it before it becomes more severe or irreversible. 

If you’ve been brushing and flossing your teeth every day, that’s fantastic! Keep this up. It will help to remove plaque buildup on your teeth, leading to cavities, gingivitis, bad breath, and more. However, there is more to dental hygiene besides just brushing and flossing. Many people neglect their teeth by not scheduling regular check-ups with our dentists.

Regular dentist visits

Regular dental check-ups are a vital part of maintaining oral health. At our office, we will be able to spot problems during your appointment that you might not have noticed at home. Some issues may include tooth decay or other cavities that need treatment right away. Other common problems can also appear as yellowing, discoloration, or erosion of teeth. We will give you the most effective treatment for your smile, and we can help make it look great again.

When should I schedule my first dental check-up?

We recommend making an appointment for a dental check-up every six months to stay on top of oral health and catch potential issues before they become serious. In some instances, we may recommend that you come in for additional visits based on your exact needs or if you have pre-existing dental issues. If this is your first visit, you are due for a comprehensive exam and cleaning that includes x-rays. At your follow-up appointment, you will discuss any problems that were found with your dentist.

Tips for taking care of your teeth between visits:

  • Stay away from sugary foods and drinks. These can cause cavities over time!
  • Floss your teeth every day to remove plaque buildup in between each tooth.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially before bedtime when you cannot brush again until the morning. This will help prevent bad breath and keep your teeth strong!
  • Schedule appointments for a dental check-up every six months to stay on top of oral health.

Doing these simple things can help your teeth stay healthy and strong. It also means that if there are any issues, they will be identified and corrected as soon as possible. Remember, identifying dental issues early could mean that you save considerable time and money by avoiding other costly treatments and procedures. 

Schedule a check-up with your dentist 

It’s important to keep up with your dental health. A visit to the dentist can help you maintain good oral hygiene habits like brushing regularly and avoiding sugary foods. We recommend visiting us at least twice a year for cleanings! You can also learn some new oral care tips that you might not have known about, such as the correct way to brush your teeth and how often you should be doing so.

Christmas Gift Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recmmended Highly Recommended Teeth Whitening


*Does not include examination or dental hygiene appointment.

Your Teeth Whitening Provider In Harrow

Now it is easy to reverse years of staining with our teeth whitening treatment with the security and safety of our expert dentists who will supervise your whitening.

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to give your confidence a boost with a cosmetic treatment.

Just £199, Normally £295 - Teeth Whitening For Just £199
Your Premier Teeth Whitening Provider In Harrow. 5 Star Rated.

Our dentist will first carry out a full dental examination to assess the overall health of your mouth. Provided everything looks good, our dentist will then explain your teeth whitening options.
With Boutique, you can whiten your teeth during the day or overnight as you sleep, depending on what suits your lifestyle.
We will take some photographs to check the existing shade of your teeth. Then an impression is taken of both top, and bottom teeth and custom-made trays are made for you.
Your trays will be fitted at the practice. We will show you how to use the whitening syringes and explain how long to wear the trays for. In most cases, you will see an improvement in just a few days and optimum results in around 3 weeks.
It really is that simple!

Boutique Whitening - The leading UK teeth whitening brand
Here at Neem Dental Clinic, we use Boutique Whitening, which is a premium quality, professional teeth whitening system that delivers superior results, and we love it!
Pyorrhea or Periodontitis

Bleeding Gums: Normal or a Sign of Something More?

It’s not always easy to tell when something is wrong with our health. This is especially true when it comes to oral health. Many people don’t even realize that bleeding gums can be a sign of something more serious. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of bleeding gums and what you can do to prevent them from happening.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease has two forms:

Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis).

This is the mildest form of gum disease and is reversible if treated with help from your dentist.

Inflammation of the ligament which holds the teeth in the bone (periodontitis)

This is a more severe form of gum disease and is irreversible. Without professional treatment periodontitis can result in tooth loss.

How Do I Know If My Bleeding Gums Are Due to Gum Disease

The best way to find out if your bleeding gums are due to gum disease is to come and see us for a dental health check.

As part of this appointment we will listen to your concerns and carry out a thorough check of your gums.

Are Bleeding Gums the Only Sign of Gum Disease?

Bleeding gums are a common sign of gum disease, but not the only one. If you look closely in the mirror you may also see that your gums look red and swollen. Normally the gum between your teeth takes the shape of a sharp pink triangle. If you have gum disease, the gum between your teeth will appear puffy, misshapen and red.

Halitosis Health


Holidays can be a great time for you (and your children) to visit the dentist. Take this opportunity to keep up with your regular check-up and cleaning appointments so it’s one more thing you can tick off the list before work/school starts back up again. This way, everyone can start the new year with their best smile and oral health!

Don’t forget your dentist appointment

During these strange times it is easy to forget about dentist appointments, but we are keen to emphasise how important a visit is. Not only is it beneficial for your oral health, but it can give a feeling of normalcy and return to routine. Most people have looked after their oral hygiene very well during lockdown, knowing that a visit to the dentist would not be possible. However attending your dental appointments is essential as we are trained to notice any change from normal that may indicate a larger health issue, in which case we can then refer you to a specialist for further checks.

Looking after your teeth

Here is a gentle reminder on how to look after your teeth. When cleaning your teeth make sure you pay attention to all of them, including the ones in the back of your mouth, as hidden bacteria can become plaque. If you use mouthwash make sure you buy a good quality one and don’t use it straightaway after brushing, it can rinse away the fluoride which is important for the health of the teeth.

Of course the food you eat plays an important role in maintaining the health of your teeth. A balanced diet, with a focus on green vegetables, is essential. And please avoid sugary drinks as much as possible!

Avoid bad breath

Good dental routine helps avoid bad breath, as we all know it is so important to floss your teeth. If you do have bad halitosis we can check your teeth and gums

My Breath Smell Bad
Bad breath can be caused by surgical wounds after oral surgery, such as tooth removal, or as a result of tooth decay, gum disease or mouth sores
Air-Flow Aesthetic Polishing Christmas Dental Highly Experienced Dentist

Airflow EMS polish for sparkling teeth at Christmas!

Christmas is full of sparkle so here at Neem Dental Clinic and Cosmetics we’ll give away our top secret to keep your smile dazzling over Christmas.

We are very proud of the top of the range products and equipment that we offer here at Neem Dental Clinic and Cosmetics in Harrow, so it is quick and effective for you to get that perfect smile for Christmas.

One of our favourite pamper treatments is the Airflow Ems Polish. It is soft and gentle at removing all stains effectively with quick results

What is AIR-Flow jet polishing?

AIR-FLOW treatment is a hygienist procedure which uses air and water pressure to deliver a controlled stream of specially processed sodium bicarbonate or glycine powders in a slurry through the hand piece nozzle to remove stain, pellicle and biofilm from tooth surfaces.

How does the AIR-Flow treatment work? Fine particles of powders are propelled by compressed air in a warm spray and directed onto the surfaces of the teeth. This pressurized jet of air, water and powder removes surface stains, plaque and other soft deposits such as food particles trapped in very hard places to clean, especially in between the teeth, leaving you feeling refreshed. AIR-Flow treatment is seen as the next level of cleaning over a usual scale and polish, and has been proven to really tackle those stubborn stains.

Guided Biofilm Therapy
Airflow removes Biofilm (invisible bacteria), stains and young tartar from natural teeth, restorations and implants.

What are the advantages of AIR-Flow treatment?

  • Removes dental plaque and hence helps preventing periodontal diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis
  • Removes teeth stains and disinfect mouth
  • Helps maintain implants
  • Cleans prior to whitening treatment and used for whitening maintenance
  • Cleans prior to bonding orthodontic brackets and used for maintenance during treatment.
AIR-FLOW treatment is a hygienist procedure which uses air and water pressure to deliver a controlled stream of specially processed sodium bicarbonate or glycine powders in a slurry through the hand piece nozzle to remove stain, pellicle and biofilm from tooth surfaces.

Are there any risks involved with the AIR-Flow treatment?

No. AIR-Flow uses no chemicals and it is a non-invasive treatment to clean your teeth:

It does not damage or cause trauma to the tooth enamel, root surface or surrounding tissues.

The bicarbonate used in the AIR-Flow system is non-toxic and therefore non-harmful if ingested by accident.

AIR-Flow treatment is not painful; what is more it is rather comfortable for the patient, especially for patients with sensitive teeth.