NEEM Dental Clinic


Are your teeth ready for summer?

May 16, 2021 | Dental, Dental Hygiene, Monday to Friday, Oral, Saturday Appointment

We have received the news we have all been waiting for at last. The announcement of the de-escalation roadmap finally leads us to our lockdown emancipation! Our efforts were not in vain, the vaccination rollout is working. There is light at the end of the tunnel and normality is on the horizon! How we have longed for this news for so long.

It seems like forever since we have been able to interact socially. We are looking forward to seeing friends, family and loved ones, embracing the warmth of Spring and indulging in our newfound freedoms. Suddenly pub lunches, family days out and dinner dates are all back on the cards and tentatively sliding into our calendars. For some, it means that long-postponed celebrations like anniversaries, weddings and birthdays can once again be scheduled, permitting a level of optimism that’s almost too good to believe.

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