NEEM Dental Clinic


Book your hygiene appointment today Affordable Private Dentist | Harrow | South Harrow | Rayners Lane | Sudbury | Sudbury Hill | Wembley | We’re Here For You!

Sep 17, 2021 | Affordable Private Dentist, Dental Hygiene, Highly Recommended

A dental hygiene appointment is a great way to get that deep down, fresh and clean feeling and to give you confidence in your oral health.

Your dentist might suggest that you should see a hygienist at regular intervals to help you manage your oral health, or you might just choose to book an appointment whenever suits you to remove stains and freshen up your smile.

The benefits of a hygiene appointment

Dental hygienists are the experts in managing the health of your gums. They can remove the build-up of hardened plaque (tartar) on your teeth that is the home to bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

This is important because, if left untreated, gum disease can have an impact on your overall health. The bacteria irritate the gums, causing them to pull away from the teeth. Eventually bacteria can go beyond the gumline affecting the tissues that hold the teeth in place, causing them to become wobbly and fall out. If you have gum disease, it may even increase the risk of other health complications such as stroke, diabetes and heart disease.

Even in healthy individuals, a hygiene appointment is a good idea if you want a little more confidence in your smile. Your hygienist can remove staining caused by drinks such as tea and coffee, helping you achieve a brighter smile, plus they will advise on a tailored oral health routine at home that will help your gums stay healthy.

Interested? Simply call us 020 8423 2523

Affordable Private Dentist | Harrow | South Harrow | Rayners Lane | Sudbury | Sudbury Hill | Wembley | We’re Here For You!

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