NEEM Dental Clinic



Aug 3, 2023 | Oral, Root Canal Treatment, Saturday Appointment

If you experience severe and regular tooth pain, it is possible you might require an endodontist for root canal treatment in Harrow, London. This is a dentist specializing in root canal treatments. Procedure involves removing the infection from the tiny, hollow canals before the damage evolves into bone infection and spreading of bacteria in the surrounding facial region. This procedure will relieve pain and restore the full function of the tooth.

What is the root canal?

The visible part of the tooth is the crown. Below the gum line is the root that fixes the tooth to the jaw. And inside the root is the root canal. It houses the soft tissues of the tooth responsible for hydrating and nourishing the tooth. Inside every tooth is a nerve responsible for causing sensations. And if decay reaches that portion of the tooth, the nerve and pulp can become infected and die. If left untreated, this can lead to the formation of a painful abscess in the bone around the tooth roots and the eventual decay and loss of the entire tooth.

What is root canal treatment?

During root canal treatment, the endodontist creates an opening in the crown and removes all of the infected tissue from the tooth. The specialist will then smooth and sterilize the inside of the tooth and seal it to protect the remaining tissues and restore the tooth back to good health. The dentist will then place a crown or other restoration on the tooth to restore full function.

When is root canal treatment recommended?

If decay reaches deep within the tooth and begins to infect the nerve or blood supply, then the dentist will likely recommend root canal therapy. Signs of a severe infection include:

  • Serious toothache when eating
  • Excessive sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Tender or swollen gums around the tooth
  • Darkening of the tooth
  • A bump on the gum close to the infected tooth
  • Leaky filling or crown
  • Repeated replacement of filings
  • A cracked tooth

Is root canal treatment painful?

During root canal treatment, the endodontist will administer a local anaesthetic so the treatment will be as comfortable as possible. Most patients feel very little, if any discomfort.

Will root canal treatment take a long time?

Root canal therapy will take one or two 30 to 50 minute appointments depending on the severity of the infection and the condition of the tooth. Endodontic therapy is painless and is carried out under local anaesthesia.

What is the aftercare for root canal treatment?

You might experience slight pain or discomfort for a few days after root canal therapy that can easily be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. It is also important to keep up with regular oral hygiene to ensure the site does not get infected.

What are alternative treatments for root canal therapy?

Dentists and endodontists prefer root canal therapy because it allows you to maintain more of your natural tooth structure. The only alternative to root canal treatment is an extraction of the infected tooth followed by a restoration either with a bridge, implant, or partial denture.

What might happen if I don’t have treatment?

If the infected tissue remains untreated the tooth will continue to fester. You will undoubtedly experience pain, sensitivity, and the eventual development of an abscess tooth that will impact your quality of life and your overall wellbeing. And in a small percentage of cases, infection from the tooth will spread into the bloodstream and cause other serious health concerns.

Should I get root canal treatment from a specialist in endodontics?

General dentists have some training in root canal treatment. But some teeth have more complicated anatomy, like multiple root canals. This can make root canal treatment challenging. In these more complex cases, the general dentist may refer you to a specialist endodonstist, who has undertaken years of post-graduate study to develop the necessary skills and techniques for successful root canal treatments.

At Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow, our endodontist for root canal treatments proves to have a high success rate and patients record little to no sensitivity during the procedure. In our dental practice, you will get a full assessment and consultation with our experts so you can make the most informed decision about dental treatments that are the right choice for you. Endodontic treatment is the only option to save a tooth with a dental abscess and we always strive to preserve our patients’ teeth. For an appointment please contact us at 020 8423 2523 to book a consultation and discuss alternative options.

Professional • Comfortable • Reliable • Root Canal Treatment ensuring a Quick & Effective Pain-Free Experience in Harrow, London.

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