Now that wearing masks is the new norm, I’m sure you’ve noticed a change in your breath. You’ve probably referred to it as “mask breath” or something similar. But, in reality your mask isn’t to blame for the smell. Think of wearing a mask as constantly cupping your mouth to smell your own breath.Halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath, is usually a result of decreased saliva production. There are plenty of reasons you could be experiencing bad breath, but we decided to make a list of the most common reasons.
Bad Breath Culprits
1. It’s important to discuss that when you’re wearing a mask you’re not able to drink. If you aren’t drinking as much water as normal, this can result in bad breath. Drinking water regularly allows for bacteria to be washed away before they multiply and cause your breath to smell.
2. Diet is a main culprit for bad breath. Foods like garlic, coffee, fish, eggs, and onion are all known to leave an odor behind. Along with these foods, sweets can also leave an odor behind. According to CNN, bacteria can feed off of sugar, leaving a foul smell behind. These happen the worst with gummies and caramels. If you have a sweet tooth, your best option is to go with plain chocolate!
3. When food gets trapped between your teeth and gums, bacteria will start breaking it down, leaving a stink behind. If you’re experiencing this try brushing your teeth and tongue three times a day, flossing, and using a mouthwash with fluoride in it!
4. Mouth breathers continuously get a bad reputation for a few reasons, and one of them is for having bad breath. At night, saliva production is decreased. Mouth breath or snoring can even further dry out the mouth, making your breath even fouler than the normal “morning breath”. The best way to combat the mouth breathing stench is to drink lots of water and continue with a normal healthy dental hygiene routine.
5. Underlying medical conditions can cause bad breath. If you’re experiencing acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease the acid can easily create bad breath. Untreated GERD can develop into serious illness. Bad breath can also be an early sign of underlying disease that don’t have any noticeable symptoms.
Say Goodbye To Bad Breath
If you’ve recently noticed your “mask breath”, consider making an appointment with your dentist! During this visit, your dentist will be able to determine the culprit of your bad breath and be able to give you some solutions. At Neem Dental Clinic, your dentist, we are taking measurable precautions to keep you and our staff safe.