NEEM Dental Clinic


You can book an appointment here for your routine Hygienist appointments, scale and polishes, without having to see a Dentist first.

Aug 9, 2021 | Dental Hygiene, Oral, sandblasting

You can book an appointment here for your routine Hygienist appointments, scale and polishes, without having to see a Dentist first. You can stay with your own dental practice, and access the Hygienist without the need to wait weeks for an appointment.

People are all different, and have to see the Hygienist at different intervals. Some need to see us more regularly to either treat an ongoing problem, or to prevent any issues in the future. Your Hygienist will discuss this with you at your appointment, and explain why.

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2 weeks 1 day ago

We would like to thank our patients for the support and trust in Neem Dental

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1 month 6 days ago

We would like to thank our patients for the support and trust in Neem Dental

The Neem Clinic - Harrow

1 month 3 weeks ago

Thank you so much for the positive review, we are pleased to share this feedback.