NEEM Dental Clinic


Your New ‘Smile in A Day’ With Composite Bonding

Sep 3, 2021 | Composite Bonding, Highly Experienced Dentist, Highly Recommended

When some people consider making cosmetic dental improvements to their teeth, they assume this will be an expensive, painful and drawn out process requiring lots of visits to the dentist. However, thanks to advancements in dental techniques and materials, the Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow is able to offer a ‘new smile in a day’ using composite bonding to help improve the colour, shape, spacing and overall appearance of your teeth.

This provides the ideal solution for those wanting fast, effective and instant results without the need for multiple appointments or painful, costly treatments.

Your New ‘Smile in A Day’ With Composite Bonding

What Is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is an advanced dental technique that can be utilised to repair cracked, chipped or discoloured teeth, as well as closing gaps or helping to build up broken down or shorter teeth.

The bonding material used is a tooth coloured composite resin that is applied to the existing teeth and then expertly moulded by a skilled dental clinician to correct imperfections.

Who Can Benefit From Composite Bonding?

Once the planning stages and whitening have been completed, composite bonding provides a simple and painless solution, which allows us to give patients a beautiful smile makeover – and an instant confidence boost – in just one session.

This innovative dental procedure is minimally invasive making it suitable for even the most nervous of patients and can be used to help correct a wide range of cosmetic dental issues including;

  • Cracks – helps to prevent cracks from extending further as well as minimising their appearance and any discolouration that may have happened as a result.
  • Chips – can be restored to avoid further damage and create an even, flawless surface.
  • Gaps – building outwards helps to close the space between teeth.
  • Misshapen teeth – unevenly shaped, mismatched or oddly sized teeth can be added to and shaped to blend in seamlessly with the teeth around them.
  • Discolouration – improves the appearance of stained teeth for a whiter smile
  • Exposed roots – can be used to add protection to exposed root surfaces which helps prevent painful sensitivity.

What Does The Composite Bonding Procedure Involve?

The specifics of the procedure will depend on your individual dental needs, the amount of bonding that is being carried out and the types of flaws that are being corrected.

Firstly, your dentist will colour match the composite resin to your teeth in order to deliver the most natural finish. Depending on the desired results, you may wish to undergo whitening treatment prior to the bonding in order to brighten your smile.

In some areas, it may be necessary to lightly roughen the surface of the natural tooth to help the resin adhere better to the teeth. The resin is then applied and carefully shaped and moulded to correct the imperfections and look like a natural tooth. A special UV light is then used to help harden the resin and the teeth are polished.

Because this treatment is relatively straight forward and requires no injections or anaesthetic, it can often be performed in just one session taking around 30 minutes per tooth, which means you can leave us with a brand new smile that you will love!

Benefits Of A Composite Bonding Same Day Smile Makeover

There are many great advantages to undergoing a smile makeover with our composite bonding artistry services. Here are just some of the many benefits;

  • Unlike some other treatments nothing needs making in a lab or sending away, everything is made and applied in your appointment, so you be done in just one session.
  • This treatment is in most cases completely painless with no need for anaesthetic.
  • It is extremely cost effective and tends to be one of the least expensive cosmetic treatments.
  • Because the original teeth are preserved and remain intact the treatment can be repeated with no damage to the teeth.
  • Although composite bonding doesn’t last as long as some long-term solutions, results can last from around 5-10 years if cared for properly.

It is worth noting that although composite bonding can be used to correct a wide range of imperfections it might not be suitable for everyone and is best suited to mild or minor cosmetic issues. If you are interested in the treatment, then it’s best to discuss it with your dentist to find out if you are a suitable candidate or if an alternative treatment such as tooth whitening, dental veneers or Invisalign would be a more effective, long term solution .

Are You Ready For A New Smile?

If you aren’t 100% happy with your teeth or are self-conscious about discolouration, gaps, chips or unevenness then composite bonding could be the perfect solution. Our highly skilled team of dental clinicians are on hand to deliver fast, pain free and effective same day smile makeovers that our patients love.

If you would like to find out more, discuss your options or arrange a free consultation then contact us at The Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow today and our team of friendly, knowledgeable experts will be happy to help.

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