by Neem Dental Clinic | Dec 8, 2022 | Halitosis, Health
Holidays can be a great time for you (and your children) to visit the dentist. Take this opportunity to keep up with your regular check-up and cleaning appointments so it’s one more thing you can tick off the list before work/school starts back up again. This way,...
by Neem Dental Clinic | Dec 29, 2021 | Dental, Dental Hygiene, Health, Highly Recmmended, Highly Recommended
Taking care of your oral health is an investment in your overall health in 2021 and beyond! Schedule your dental check-up today! When it comes time to set your new year resolutions, put a dental check-up on the list! One of the simplest and most effective...
by Neem Dental Clinic | Nov 9, 2021 | Affordable Private Dentist, Dental, Health, Highly Experienced Dentist, Highly Recommended, Sensitive Teeth
What causes sensitive teeth? The tooth is made up of layers – the protective outer layer ‘enamel’ covers a softer more sensitive inner layer- ‘dentine’– which is covered in exposed nerve endings. If the dentine is exposed, a tooth can become sensitive. This usually...
by Neem Dental Clinic | Aug 6, 2021 | Affordable Private Dentist, Dental Hygiene, Health
Are you amongst those individuals who have a busy life and fail to pay enough attention to your dental health? Brushing and flossing will keep your teeth clean and lessen the risks associated with oral infections and diseases. However, it is suggested to go for...
by Neem Dental Clinic | Jul 25, 2021 | Affordable Private Dentist, Dental, Dental Hygiene, Health
How does sensitivity happen? There are several causes for sensitivity, since dentine can be exposed in a number of ways. You may have a broken or cracked tooth, or you may have a hole as a result of tooth decay which now needs a filling.Over-brushing your teeth (too...
by Neem Dental Clinic | Jun 16, 2021 | Dental, Dental Hygiene, Emergency Dentist Harrow, Health, Oral, Teeth
If the weather reports are anywhere near accurate, this week we are likely to see temperatures reaching 30 degrees and possibly beyond. These temperatures are more typical of places like Rome and Athens than Harrow / Wembley!We shouldn’t complain though given the...