Affordable Private Dentist Christmas Christmas Gift Dental Dental Hygiene Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended

Flash Brighter Christmas Smiles with Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic Dentistry » Christmas » Teeth Whitening £199* » Harrow » Neem Dental Clinic » Hygiene Cleaning £50*

The Christmas season is a time to be merry, and it is the best time to flash the widest of smiles! You will most probably have a number of social gatherings to go to, and you want to look your best for these events. A special outfit befitting the occasion can make you look and feel great as you mingle with the people you hold close to your heart; however, a whiter smile for Christmas will truly make your appearance stand in a much better way.

Do you have teeth stains? Are you embarrassed about yellowed or dark teeth, and worry that your smile will not look so nice when your photo is taken? Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow can help make your smile much brighter this Christmas!

Only trust a dentist to whiten your teeth!

If you’re strapped for cash this Christmas, then you might be tempted to go for a DIY whitening kit from the Internet. Our advice? Don’t! These kits are unsafe, and they do more harm to your teeth than good. The safest place to receive teeth whitening treatment is always at a registered dental practice. Our team is well-trained and very in teeth whitening and you will be in good hands as we will ensure you’re comfortable, safe and well-informed.

Smile with confidence

This Christmas, consider adding an extra sparkle to your smile with our teeth whitening services. Whether you want, whiter teeth for the Christmas party, for kisses with Father Christmas under the mistletoe or just as a present for yourself, we’re here for you.

Contact us on 020 8423 2523 to make an appointment.

Affordable Private Dentist Composite Bonding Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Hygiene Denture Emergency Dentist Harrow Flexible Dentures Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended Teeth Whitening

Dentist Harrow | Helping patients across Harrow and the surrounding areas

General & Preventative Dentistry in Harrow

Regular check-ups are vital to maintaining good oral health and hygiene. Your dentist can help spot and prevent potential issues before they evolve into something more serious requiring further treatment. We recommend visiting your dentist every six to twelve months for a check-up. Your dentist can also offer expert advice on how to best look after your teeth and gums and prevent gum disease. 

Dental Hygienist in Harrow

Plaque build up is the number one cause of gum disease, and often it is hard to tackle alone. Fortunately, at Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow, we have a highly trained dental hygienist who can offer a professional cleaning service, removing plaque and helping protect your teeth against the risk of gum disease. 

Restorative Dentistry in Harrow

Where teeth have been damaged or have decayed, restorative dental treatments may be required. Our dentists are experienced in providing expert restorative dental care to patients throughout Harrow. Helping patients regain confidence in their smiles and improve their oral health. Restorative dental treatments offered at Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow include:

Affordable Private Dentist Composite Bonding Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Dental Hygiene Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended

What is Diastema? How to fill gaps between teeth?

When you have extra space between two or more of your teeth, your doctor calls this spacing issues or gap teeth. Gappy teeth are quite common, but sometimes they can become a bit of a bother. Maybe you don’t like the look of them or find that food gets trapped, causing issues with your gums. Gap teeth can create pockets between your teeth and gums where food can get stuck. It can make your gums tender and sore and even lead to gum disease. Fortunately, that gap doesn’t have to be permanent.

 There are several treatments available for “gappy teeth” and fixing them carries both aesthetic and health benefits for your smile. In addition to orthodontics, a gap in your teeth can be corrected with restorative treatments such as composite bonding, porcelain veneers or crowns.  Larger spaces with missing teeth can be restored with dental implants or bridgework.

Teeth gaps types

  • There is a gap between your side teeth and front teeth only
  • There is a gap around your canines on one side
  • There is a gap between the front teeth
  • There are gaps between all your teeth

Diastema causes

A gap between two teeth is known as a “diastema.” These gaps tend to appear between the two upper front teeth, but gaps can occur between any two teeth and there are several reasons why someone may have gappy teeth. Even if your teeth gaps don’t bother you from an aesthetic point of view, it’s important to get the diastema checked by a dentist in case a more serious condition like gum disease is the cause. Gaps in your teeth could also mean you have an improper bite, which can lead to chipped or broken teeth. A diastema may result from the following:

The size of the teeth in relation to the jawbone

If a person’s teeth are too small, relative to the size of their jawbone, gaps may develop between the teeth.

Jawbone and tooth sizes can be genetic, which is one reason that diastemas can run in families.

Missing or undersized teeth

If some teeth are missing or smaller than others, a diastema can develop.

This often involves the upper lateral incisors — the teeth to either side of the two upper front teeth. If the upper lateral incisors are missing or relatively small, a gap can develop between the two front teeth.

Oversized labial frenum

The labial frenum is the tissue that extends from the inside of the upper lip to the gum above the upper front teeth. If this tissue is especially large, it can cause a gap to form between these teeth.

Gum disease

Tooth migration is a typical sign of advanced gum disease. In people with gum disease, inflammation results in damage to the bone that supports the teeth. Eventually, the teeth may become loose, and gaps can appear.

Incorrect swallowing reflex

When the swallowing reflex happens correctly, the tongue presses against the roof of the mouth.

A person may instead push their tongue against their front teeth when they swallow. Over time, this repetitive pressure against the front teeth pushes them forward, causing a gap to form.


Thumb sucking, lip sucking, tongue thrusting, and similar habits can put pressure on the front teeth, pushing them forward. This can lead to diastemas.

Loss of primary teeth

Children can develop temporary diastemas when their primary teeth, or baby teeth, fall out. When their permanent, or adult, teeth come in, these gaps typically close.

This type of gap is common enough that dentists consider it to be a normal developmental phenomenon in children. No treatment is usually necessary A study reports older findings that these diastemas may be present in approximately two-thirds of children in whom only the central incisors have erupted. The central incisors are the two flat teeth at the front of the upper jaw.

When to see a dentist

People should speak to their dentists if they or their child have a diastema and are concerned about it. It is recommended that orthodontists evaluate all children by the age of 7. A dentist or orthodontist can diagnose the underlying cause and, if necessary, recommend a course of treatment.

How To Fix Gaps In Teeth

Treatment for a diastema may not be necessary — especially if the gap arises from a mismatch between the size of the teeth and the jawbone, or if it results from the loss of primary teeth. If treatment is not medically necessary, but the person wishes to close the gap for aesthetic reasons, a dentist can help determine the best approach. Here are some techniques that you can use to fix such gaps:

Orthodontic options

Modern orthodontic treatment is often used to reposition teeth that are crooked or overcrowded, as well as to close gaps between teeth and correct bite disorders. Some of the most effective options to fix a gap in teeth are:

  • Lingual fixed braces, placed on the inside of the teeth, are just as effective in closing a gap as conventional labial braces and are out of sight even when smiling.
  • Conventional labial (exterior) fixed braces offer the best value. The choice depends on personal preference and budget, as they can all achieve similar results. Traditional metal versions are less obvious than they used to be, and available with changeable coloured elastics for children. Tooth-coloured ceramic braces can be paired with clear crystal brackets that are virtually invisible.
  • The Inman Aligner, a patented removable system, offers a quick, safe and great value solution for gently guiding front teeth into an ideal position. Removable clear braces – such as the Invisalign© – are becoming increasingly popular among adult patients seeking a discreet orthodontic treatment.


Invisalign braces are great for closing the gaps in your teeth as well as straightening crooked teeth. Although small gaps can be fixed using bonding and veneers, you should invest in Invisalign to close big gaps. Invisalign is a clear aligner that corrects your teeth without announcing its presence. It is expensive, but less expensive than traditional braces and it works to close the gaps between your teeth.

Dental Bonding

If you want a quick fix for large gaps, you should try tooth bonding. A tooth-colored resin will be applied to your tooth and hardened using a special light. In just a few hours, your tooth will look normal even if it was chipped or broken. Although the material used to make dental bonding is stain resistant to an extent, it is not as resistant as crowns.

Veneers and Crowns

A porcelain veneer refers to a thin shell that can be bonded to the front of your tooth. However, the dentist will remove a small portion of your enamel before attaching the veneer. On the other hand, dental crowns are designed to fit over most of your tooth. A crown is meant to fix damage caused by trauma or decay.


This is a removable replacement for your teeth and you can opt for partial or complete dentures. People usually opt for dentures when they have removed several teeth and their overall health and that of their mouth is in question. If you have small gaps, these dentures will act as removable implants.


Dental implants can be either removable or fixed teeth that match your natural set of teeth. If you have a foot-tooth wide gap, you should opt for implants. An artificial enamel tooth will be inserted into your gum or bone. Skilled professionals are the only ones who can perform this medical procedure.


When a diastema results from an oversized labial frenum, the dentist may recommend a frenectomy — a procedure to remove the excess tissue. Older children and adults may then require braces or another treatment to close the gap. In younger children, the space may close on its own.

Gum disease treatment

Gum disease requires treatment to stop the infection and prevent complications such as tooth loss.

Treatment may include scaling to remove tartar from the gums. Scaling also removes the bacteria causing the infection. In addition, topical or oral antibiotics may help.

In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove deep tartar from beneath the gums. Once the gums are healthy again, the dentist may use one of the above treatments to close the gap.


It is not possible to prevent all cases of diastema. However, if gum disease or habits are the cause, it can help to practice good oral hygiene, by:

  • brushing the teeth twice daily
  • flossing daily
  • seeing a dentist for regular examinations and cleanings
  • avoiding thumb sucking and helping children break the habit
  • correcting improper swallowing reflexes
Affordable Private Dentist Dental Health Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive Teeth

What causes sensitive teeth?

The tooth is made up of layers – the protective outer layer ‘enamel’ covers a softer more sensitive inner layer- ‘dentine’– which is covered in exposed nerve endings. If the dentine is exposed, a tooth can become sensitive.  This usually happens when the enamel has thinned or the gum has receded.  Here are some causes of sensitivity:

Tooth decay
Often the first sign of a cavity (hole) can be sensitivity to hot or cold. It is extremely important to get sensitive teeth checked as root canal treatment may be required if the hole is not dealt with quickly.

Dental erosion
This is loss of tooth enamel caused by acid attack from acidic food and drinks. Acid softens the enamel and makes it more prone to wear away. If enamel is worn away the dentine underneath is exposed, which may lead to sensitivity.

Gum recession
Gums may naturally recede (shrink back), and the roots will become exposed and can be more sensitive. Root surfaces do not have an enamel layer to protect them.

Gum disease
A build-up of plaque or tartar can cause the gum to recede down the tooth and even destroy the bony support of the tooth.  Pockets can form in the gums around the tooth, making the area difficult to keep clean and the problem wors

Tooth grinding
This is a habit which involves clenching and grinding the teeth together.  This can cause the enamel of the teeth to be worn away, making the teeth sensitive.

Other causes of pain from sensitivity may arise from:

Cracked teeth or fillings
Although a tooth may not physically be broken, a crack can run from the biting surface of a tooth down towards the root.  Extreme temperatures, especially cold, may cause discomfort.

Tooth whitening
Some patients have sensitivity for a short time during or after having their teeth whitened.  Discuss this with your dentist before having treatment.

When are teeth more likely to be sensitive?

You are more likely to feel the sensitivity when drinking or eating something cold, from cold air catching your teeth, and sometimes with hot foods or drinks.  Some people have sensitivity when they have sweet or acidic food and drink.  The pain can come and go, with some times being worse than others.

Do I need to go and see my dentist?

Yes, if you have tried treating your sensitive teeth for a few weeks and have had no improvement.

What treatments can the dentist offer?

During an examination the dentist will talk to you about your symptoms. They will look at your teeth to find out what is causing the sensitivity and to find the best way of treating it. The dentist may treat the affected teeth with special de-sensitising products to help relieve the symptoms. Fluoride gels, rinses or varnishes can be applied to sensitive teeth. These can be painted onto the teeth at regular appointments to build up some protection.  Sensitivity can take some time to settle. If this still does not help, your dentist may seal or fill around the neck of the tooth, where the tooth and gum meet, to cover exposed dentine. In very serious cases – if the tooth is cracked or damaged- it may be necessary to crown or root-fill the tooth.

Affordable Private Dentist Dental Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended

If you’re looking for a trusted, well respected and highly experienced private dentist in Harrow, Middlesex, our friendly Neem Dental Clinic Team can help.

Our goal at the practice is to provide the highest standards of dental care in a manner tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes. We offer a first-class service provided by a team of dentists who are patient-focused and deliver the best dental solutions without compromising quality.


Affordable Private Dentist Dental Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended

We’ve reached 300, 5-star reviews, Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow

We are delighted to share great news with our patients and followers that Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow has reached 300, 5 Star Reviews.

We would like to thank our patients for the support and trust in Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow. We will ensure that we fulfill your expectation, and our patients continue to have outstanding dental health care services. Your positive dental experience, appraisal, respect, and gratitude matter a lot to us and we value your concern and faith in us.

We try our best to accomplish your expectation. Our patient’s satisfaction is our utmost priority. We build a relationship of trust with our patients and we will also keep it in the future. We serve our patients in the best possible way. Your bright and confident smile is our responsibility and we will do our best.

Our experienced staff is always available for your assistance. Our professional dentists deal with all your dental issues. You don’t need to think any more about your dental problems. We will keep maintaining excellence. Your dental health is our duty and priority. We will not only treat our patients but also educate them about how their oral health can be improved.

Our staff will guide you in every step and ensure your ease and comfort. Our slogan is to provide all our patients with reliable quality dental services in a warm, comfortable, atmosphere.

Composite Bonding Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended

Your New ‘Smile in A Day’ With Composite Bonding

When some people consider making cosmetic dental improvements to their teeth, they assume this will be an expensive, painful and drawn out process requiring lots of visits to the dentist. However, thanks to advancements in dental techniques and materials, the Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow is able to offer a ‘new smile in a day’ using composite bonding to help improve the colour, shape, spacing and overall appearance of your teeth.

This provides the ideal solution for those wanting fast, effective and instant results without the need for multiple appointments or painful, costly treatments.

Your New ‘Smile in A Day’ With Composite Bonding

What Is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is an advanced dental technique that can be utilised to repair cracked, chipped or discoloured teeth, as well as closing gaps or helping to build up broken down or shorter teeth.

The bonding material used is a tooth coloured composite resin that is applied to the existing teeth and then expertly moulded by a skilled dental clinician to correct imperfections.

Who Can Benefit From Composite Bonding?

Once the planning stages and whitening have been completed, composite bonding provides a simple and painless solution, which allows us to give patients a beautiful smile makeover – and an instant confidence boost – in just one session.

This innovative dental procedure is minimally invasive making it suitable for even the most nervous of patients and can be used to help correct a wide range of cosmetic dental issues including;

  • Cracks – helps to prevent cracks from extending further as well as minimising their appearance and any discolouration that may have happened as a result.
  • Chips – can be restored to avoid further damage and create an even, flawless surface.
  • Gaps – building outwards helps to close the space between teeth.
  • Misshapen teeth – unevenly shaped, mismatched or oddly sized teeth can be added to and shaped to blend in seamlessly with the teeth around them.
  • Discolouration – improves the appearance of stained teeth for a whiter smile
  • Exposed roots – can be used to add protection to exposed root surfaces which helps prevent painful sensitivity.

What Does The Composite Bonding Procedure Involve?

The specifics of the procedure will depend on your individual dental needs, the amount of bonding that is being carried out and the types of flaws that are being corrected.

Firstly, your dentist will colour match the composite resin to your teeth in order to deliver the most natural finish. Depending on the desired results, you may wish to undergo whitening treatment prior to the bonding in order to brighten your smile.

In some areas, it may be necessary to lightly roughen the surface of the natural tooth to help the resin adhere better to the teeth. The resin is then applied and carefully shaped and moulded to correct the imperfections and look like a natural tooth. A special UV light is then used to help harden the resin and the teeth are polished.

Because this treatment is relatively straight forward and requires no injections or anaesthetic, it can often be performed in just one session taking around 30 minutes per tooth, which means you can leave us with a brand new smile that you will love!

Benefits Of A Composite Bonding Same Day Smile Makeover

There are many great advantages to undergoing a smile makeover with our composite bonding artistry services. Here are just some of the many benefits;

  • Unlike some other treatments nothing needs making in a lab or sending away, everything is made and applied in your appointment, so you be done in just one session.
  • This treatment is in most cases completely painless with no need for anaesthetic.
  • It is extremely cost effective and tends to be one of the least expensive cosmetic treatments.
  • Because the original teeth are preserved and remain intact the treatment can be repeated with no damage to the teeth.
  • Although composite bonding doesn’t last as long as some long-term solutions, results can last from around 5-10 years if cared for properly.

It is worth noting that although composite bonding can be used to correct a wide range of imperfections it might not be suitable for everyone and is best suited to mild or minor cosmetic issues. If you are interested in the treatment, then it’s best to discuss it with your dentist to find out if you are a suitable candidate or if an alternative treatment such as tooth whitening, dental veneers or Invisalign would be a more effective, long term solution .

Are You Ready For A New Smile?

If you aren’t 100% happy with your teeth or are self-conscious about discolouration, gaps, chips or unevenness then composite bonding could be the perfect solution. Our highly skilled team of dental clinicians are on hand to deliver fast, pain free and effective same day smile makeovers that our patients love.

If you would like to find out more, discuss your options or arrange a free consultation then contact us at The Neem Dental Clinic, Harrow today and our team of friendly, knowledgeable experts will be happy to help.

Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Highly Experienced Dentist Highly Recommended Monday to Friday

Highly recommended | Highly experienced Dentist | Harrow | Middlesex

The surgery prides itself on its friendly and welcoming staff and highly recommended and experienced dentists, all UK qualified and registered with the GDC. 

If you’re looking for a trusted, well respected and highly experienced private dentist in Harrow, our friendly NEEM clinic can help.

Our goal at the practice is to provide the highest standards of dental care in a manner tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes. We offer a first-class service provided by a team of dental specialists who are patient-focused and deliver the best dental solutions without compromising quality.



  • We aim to make our patient’s journey as smooth and easy as possible. We promise to deliver success at the end of every treatment and to act with honesty and integrity at all times.

  • We aspire to provide the best experience tailored to the patient’s needs and pride ourselves in exceeding the expectations.

  • There will be no compromises on quality – we always will use materials that are the best for our patients.

  • We are proud of our knowledge, expertise, and qualifications, enabling us to offer every dental solution for our patients and deliver the best dental care.

  • Our prices are fair as they enable us to provide the best dental facilities, the best dentistry and the best dentist in Harrow, Middlesex.

  • We are incredibly grateful to all our patients who write to us with testimonials. We thank you for recommending us as our reputation grows on the success of our treatments.